
Practice Areas

Wills and Succession Planning

Welcome to the ELP Legal website, dedicated to wills and succession planning in Dubai. As a trusted legal consultant and corporate lawyer in the UAE, I provide comprehensive and personalized legal solutions to individuals, families, and companies throughout the region. With my expertise, I assist my clients in navigating the intricate legal system that governs wills and succession planning in Dubai.
I can help you understand the legal prerequisites for creating a will in Dubai and guide you through the process of drafting a will that accurately reflects your intentions.
In the UAE, there are two common law-based regimes, namely DIFC (Dubai International Financial Centre) and ADGM (Abu Dhabi Global Markets), which operate alongside the civil law regime that applies to inheritance matters concerning non-Muslims in the rest of the country.
The Wills and Probate Registry in DIFC offers a convenient and streamlined approach for non-Muslims to transfer their estates based on their desired allocation. This allows non-Muslims to choose how their assets are distributed in accordance with the current UAE inheritance laws.
If you are in need of a reliable legal partner for your succession planning and wills requirements in Dubai, look no further than ELP Legal. Take the first step towards safeguarding your assets, caring for your loved ones, and securing a bright future by contacting us to arrange a consultation.
My expertise extends beyond the mere drafting of wills and encompasses the entire field of succession planning. I approach each will as a unique and intricate document, tailored to meet the specific requirements of the individual. As an accomplished corporate lawyer in the UAE, I assist my clients in identifying the most favorable alternatives and meticulously manage all the necessary details.
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